Dentists specializing in dental public health promote oral health through community awareness. A Dental public health specialist or a DHP, in Rocklin, California, has been defined in a variety of ways: The science and the art of preventing and controlling disease and promoting dental health through organized community efforts and a non-clinical specialty of dentistry involved in the assessment of dental health needs and improving the dental health of populations rather than individuals.
The uniqueness of a DHP specialist is the focus on dental and oral health issues in communities and populations, and its promotion and implementation is targeted to the public at large.
In addition to assessing the oral health needs of specific populations, the dental public health specialist in our office, works with local and national government to develop oral health policies and provide much needed programs and services for the community. Dental public health specialists also educate other health professionals and participate in policy decisions regarding public health and the practice of dentistry.
Due to the uniqueness of their specialty, dental public health dentists often find positions within dental schools, public health agencies and organizations, and local and national government departments.
Dr. Craig Wada offers a dental public health specialist at his practice who can educate people and government on dental health awareness. Contact the dentist today to learn more about this program, at (916) 630-9048.